I love speaking at conferences about the topics I care about
If you want me to give one of these talks or workshops at your conference, company or school, contact me. If you don't see a topic that fits your needs, contact me to talk since I'm usually able to adapt or create content if requested in advance.
Note: all talks are shown with its original title according to the language they were given. If you want to see a description in English, you can click on each talk or go to the list of talks section.
Photo: Nidal Šaljić
Upcoming talks
Want me to give a talk or a workshop at your event? You can invite me! 😉
Past talks
- posadev, ¿Es realmente convertirte en manager tan malo como dicen? in Guadalajara, Mexico 🇲🇽
- Nerdearla México, Anonimización de bases de datos con PostgreSQL in Mexico City, Mexico 🇲🇽 (Slides | Video)
- EuRuKo 2024, Let's give REST a rest: exploring the state of gRPC in Ruby in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇧🇦 (Slides)
- Playas on Tech - August edition, ¿Es realmente convertirte en manager tan malo como dicen? in Manzanillo, Mexico 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Python Mexico - August edition, Guía práctica para convertirse en contribuidor de Open Source en 10 años (o más) in Mexico City, Mexico 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Web Dev Talks - May edition, ¿Es realmente convertirte en manager tan malo como dicen? in Colima, Mexico 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Festival de Software Libre Vallarta 2024, Anonimización de bases de datos con PostgreSQL in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Festival de Software Libre Vallarta 2024, Guía práctica para convertirse en contribuidor de Open Source en 10 años (o más) in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Cumbre de Contribuidores de Open Source Software, Guía práctica para convertirse en contribuidor de Open Source en 10 años (o más) in Guadalajara, Mexico 🇲🇽 (Slides | Video)
- JSConf Mexico, Let's give REST a break: exploring gRPC in Javascript in Guadalajara, Mexico 🇲🇽
- Mexico on Rails - February Edition, RSpec - Cómo escribir pruebas robustas in Mexico City, Mexico 🇲🇽
- Web Dev Talks - February edition, The Senior Software Engineer in Colima, Mexico 🇲🇽
- Cumbre de Contribuidores de Open Source Software, Consultoría y Open Source: buscando el balance entre beneficio y la diversión in Guadalajara, Mexico 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Ruby MX - October Edition, El pasado, presente y futuro de Ruby in Guadalajara, Mexico 🇲🇽 (Slides | Video)
- Playas on Tech, The Senior Software Engineer in Manzanillo, Mexico 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Railsconf, Open the gate a little: strategies to protect and share data in Portland, USA 🇺🇸 | (Slides | Video)
- Guadalajara Connectory Webcast, The Padawan Path: ¿Cómo formar un programa de entrenamiento exitoso? in Guadalajara, Mexico 🇲🇽 (Slides | Video)
- DevOpsDay Bogotá 2020, El bueno, el malo y el DevOps in Bogota, Colombia 🇨🇴 (Slides | Video)
- Mexico on Rails - March edition, C.I. con Gitlab y Kubernetes in Mexico City, Mexico 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Festival de Software Libre Vallarta 2019, El ingenierio de software senior in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Festival de Software Libre Vallarta 2019, 4,000 mexicanos dijeron: las cosas que me hubiera gustado saber sobre el Software Libre in Puerto Vallarta, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Festival de Software Libre Vallarta 2019, I [i18n] you: estrategias para manejo efectivo de traducciones en proyectos de Open Source in Puerto Vallarta, MX 🇲🇽(Slides)
- Cumbre de Contribuidores de Open Source Software, I [i18n] you: estrategias para manejo efectivo de traducciones en proyectos de Open Source in Zapopan, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides | Video)
- Traguitos de michelada Colima - Segunda edición, Simplificación de álgebra booleana con mapas de Karnaugh in Colima, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Women Who Code GDL - Segunda edición, Recetas de Rails in Guadalajara, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Mexico on Rails - May edition, El bueno, el malo, y el DevOps in Mexico City, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides | Video)
- FLISOL CUCEA, 4,000 mexicanos dijeron: las cosas que me hubiera gustado saber sobre el Software Libre in Guadalajara, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Traguitos de michelada - April edition, Recetas de Rails in Guadalajara, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- GDL JS - March edition, El bueno, el malo, y el DevOps in Guadalajara, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Wordcamp Guadalajara, Wordpress en la era de Kubernetes in Guadalajara, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Testing Talks - July edition, Specification by Example in Colima, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Facebook Developer Circle Guadalajara - February edition, ¿Quién es ese GraphQL del que todos mis amigos están hablando? in Guadalajara, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Unotalks - January edition, Un traguito de Elixir in Guadalajara, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- FLISOL CUCEA, El ingenierio de software senior in Zapopan, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Web Dev Talks - May edition, ¿Quién es ese GraphQL del que todos mis amigos están hablando? in Colima, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- FSLVallarta 2016, Luz roja, luz verde: qué hacer y qué no hacer para un flujo de trabajo exitoso entre programadores y diseñadores in Puerto Vallarta, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- FSLVallarta 2016, Prácticas de desarrollo de software de alta calidad in Puerto Vallarta, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- FSLVallarta 2016, Acercando a las nuevas generaciones al Software Libre in Puerto Vallarta, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Software Gurú NEXT, ¿Qué hacer y que no hacer para un flujo de trabajo exitoso entre programadores y diseñadores in Mexico City, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Fórum Internacional Software Libre, Introducing new generations to Open Source in Porto Alegre, BRA 🇧🇷 (Slides | Video)
- Campus Party 7, Acercando a las nuevas generaciones al Software Libre in Zapopan, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides | Video)
- DrupalCamp Guadalajara, Luz roja, luz verde: qué hacer y qué no hacer para un flujo de trabajo exitoso entre programadores y diseñadores in Guadalajara, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Festival de Software Libre Vallarta, Refactorizando la depresión: cómo las enfermedades mentales están afectando nuestra comunidad in Puerto Vallarta, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Software Gurú Conference and Expo, ¿API primero? Seguridad primero: lo que necesitas saber para crear APIs seguras in Mexico City, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- MagmaConf, Accessibility in the Internet 2.0 era in Manzanillo, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Tech Women Community 14th meetup, High-quality software practices in Guadalajara, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Festival de Software Libre Vallarta, Optimización web de alto rendimiento in Puerto Vallarta, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- National Week of Science and Art by CONACyT (National Council of Science and Technology) and CECyTCOL (Colima's Statal Council of Science and Technology), ¿Cómo funciona la web? in Colima, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- Software Freedom Day Colima by TecLID, Inteligencia Artificial y Open Source in Colima, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
- DivecFest: Festival Científico y Cultural y Recreativo de la División de Electrónica y Computación, Terminé la universidad: ¿ahora qué hago? in Guadalajara, MX 🇲🇽 (Slides)
List of talks
The good, the bad, and the DevOps
Abstract: The cloud is fun and stuff but, are you prepared to move your lovely RoR application to another house? Now you’ll be ready
I [i18n] you: strategies to effectively manage translations in Open Source projects
Abstract: Even though English is the de facto language in sofware development, there are projects where multilanguage support is fundamental. In this talk, I share how two projects I contribute to, and manage multilanguage content and some advice on how to prepare your FLOSS projects to implement i18n effectively
Rails recipes
Abstract: Most beginners want to work with Ruby on Rails due the development speed and the robust and realiable solutions promised by the framework but, how to start? In this talk, I'll show you some gems that you can integrate to yoour Ruby on Rails apps that will speed up development time and can help you solve commons problems
The Senior Software Engineer
Abstract: In this IT world where the only sure thing is change, we have the belief that, in order to reach a "Senior" level in the software engineering area, we must learn all existing and new technologies in the market but, what does it mean to be a Senior Software Engineer? It is only about the year of experience? programming languages learnt? certifications?
In this talk, we'll explore the main characteristics expected on a Senior Software Engineer.
GraphQL 101
Abstract: 2016 seemed to be a good year for the GraphQL specification and there is no doubt that 2017 will mark the mainstream adoption of one of the most recent Facebook creations but, what is this GraphQL thing all my friends are talking about?
In this talk, we'll learn what place GraphQL could take in our stack as well as the pros and cons of its adoption in a production application.
Refactoring depression: how mental diseases are affecting our community
Abstract: It's time to talk about mental health in IT
Excessive working hours, isolation, stress, irregular sleeping patterns and impostor syndrome, among other situations, are part of the price we pay for working on Information Technologies, but could be symptoms of something more dangerous is going on and we haven't realized.
This talk aims to make people aware of how vulnerable people working on the area is and how we should give more importance to our mental health.
Accessibility in the Internet 2.0 era
Abstract: The purpose of this talk is to create awareness of the importance of creating apps that are accessible for the majority regardless physical, cognitive, mental, sensory or developmental problems and how to decrease the impact in the experience of our sites by using tools and techniques that help us to make life easier for people who have those disabilities.
Introducing new generations to free software
Abstract: How to make young devs contribute to open source? How to find talent for your company? How to help underrepresented groups to start a professional path on programming?
Can we tackle all of these at the same time? R: Yes, and here's how:
In this talk I’ll share my experience as mentor in the Rails Girls Summer of Code program and how these girls, with the proper training and motivation, passed from novice enthusiastic to junior developers working on a real protect in less than a year.
Red light, green light: the do's and don'ts of a successful dev-design workflow
Abstract: Imagine this: a highly-rotational developer team and an small-and-overworked design team working together for the first time with a tight schedule and several deliveries in a month: what could go wrong?
This talk is about a war story and my learnings on how, even when chaos seems to reign, you have sometimes to stop everything (turn the red light on) in order to continue and success (turn the green light on).
API First? Security first: what you need to know in order to create secure APIs
Abstract: Several tools and frameworks such Angular, Ember, React and Flight among others as well as mobile development depend on an API to communicate with your application back-end.
In this talk, we'll anayize common errors in both creation and consumption of APIs and how to mitigate those failures as well as exploring the anatomy of a secure API
High-quality software practices
Abstract: In this talk we will explore some of the tools, techniques and metodologies used in Crowd Interactive to offer our clients a high-quality software
High-performance web optimization
Abstract: This talk presents some techniques and tools for improving the front-end performance of your our applications.
I just finished my degree: what do I do now?
Abstract: The purpose of this talk is to give some advice to degree students on their last year of studires or people who has just graduated from university about the general panorama and the pros and cons of the laboral and academic options they have.
How the web works?
Abstract: This part was created for elementary school students to explain, in a simple way, the details and internals on how a web search works and all the magic that happens behind the curtains.
A.I. and Open Source
Abstract: This talk introduces some of the Open Source tools that can be used when developing artificial intelligence applications and demonstrate a Bayesian classifier created with the classifier gem.